Buen Viagra



Will someone please tell me who or what is responsible for the auto-text correction on the not-so smartphone?

I was chatting with a friend who was heading for Spain and wanted to wish him a good voyage – Buen Viaje. Was in a bit of rush and moved on to something else after sending the message. Hours later, I found out my message was not Buen Viaje but Buen Viagra!

That’s embarrassing but at our age, it doesn’t surprise anyone what we dare to say openly. So I just left it as that, not wanting to spoil the flight of youth in the autumn of our lives.

Wow! Did I write that? It’s pretty poetic don’t you think?

Yes baby boomers are now in the autumn of our lives, the most charming season I must say.

As the youngsters are abandoning Facebook, seniors like us are fervently posting travel photos, selfies and quotable quotes to remind us how to live and love; while the rest of our friends discreetly follow the activities from a safe distance sending occasional sweet assuring private notes. Facebook is good at that. It allows you to choose your comfort level, be it public or voyeuristic.

Is the world divided into the dos and do-nots? Are there only two types of people, the vocal and the silent? Have wars started because of these divisions rather than political ideologies? Are our political systems based on post-WW2 principles still valid today? How did the world come to this stage?

Why did I get so distracted and started talking about politics? That’s one of the problems with knowing so much at this age. Your thoughts can go off in several tangents, some to new destinations and when you remember you’re off-track, you try to find your way back.

So where was I? ah yes, autumn of our lives. 2016 marks the deaths of Prince (57), David Bowie (69) and most recently George Michael (53) and Carrie Fisher (60). We know these people. They were with us in our teens through romances and breakups, parties and solitude, and though we were getting less of them over the years, they are never really gone. But now they are. Gone. Just like that. Not even finishing autumn.

In the end what is life all about? It is about doing the things we enjoy, seeing places we dream of, being with people we are happy with, being alone when we want to and most of all, living in the moment. Carpe diem, whatever that means to you.

Once I had to convince a friend to join me on a holiday. It would have been her first in years since she got married, building a career and raising children. She was looking forward to it but it coincided with a major reporting week. She completed the reports but wanted to stay in case she needs to clarify things. She wasn’t prepared to let go of her work.

I told her, “Years from now, you will not remember what you’ve done during this reporting week or any reporting week. But you will always remember the holiday you are taking with your friends while we are still fit and sane.” That was five years ago and we never fail to reminisce the grand time we had on our holiday.

Many of us are staying on because of ‘in case’. In case the boss looks for me, in case the children wants something, in case my customer goes to another supplier, in case the whole of humanity misses you.

I’m not saying we should drop everything, pack and go. We can’t run away leaving things undone or half done and making life difficult for others. But we can plan for our own time and interests. Pass the baton on to others younger. Design a lifestyle that allows you to make best use of your time and resources.

I no longer own a car but I have a bicycle that I take to the beach and wherever my hardworking legs will allow. If I cannot cycle anymore, I’ll walk. If I can no longer walk, I’ll take those snazzy senior 4-wheeler and race with my other senior friends. There’s always a way to live life to the fullest. Don’t let anything get in your way, especially excuses.

Before I ride off into the sunset to the next year, I thank you for being with me in my adventures of the mind and heart, my rambling about this and that, and for leaving your comments just so I know someone’s reading my blog.

To my family, friends and readers, here’s wishing you an energetic and fulfilling 2017. Don’t hold back your dreams for ‘in case’. Dare to live, even if you need a little something to prop you up.




ps..if you enjoy reading this, please leave a note or share it with your friends. This will be my last post. Thank you.

15 thoughts on “Buen Viagra

  1. Ok, I will accept that this is the last post for annus horribilis that is 2016. I am always delighted to read your thoughts and I can say that as fellow boomers, I too identify what you articulated so well above. Here’s to a better year!

  2. Somehow I feel as though you are speaking directly to me. 2017 will be a year of doing. Buen Viagra to you too

    From: WHAT BOOMERS WANT To: lp6dexter@yahoo.com Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:18 PM Subject: [New post] Buen Viagra #yiv9143253766 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv9143253766 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv9143253766 a.yiv9143253766primaryactionlink:link, #yiv9143253766 a.yiv9143253766primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv9143253766 a.yiv9143253766primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv9143253766 a.yiv9143253766primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv9143253766 WordPress.com | whatboomerswant posted: ” Will someone please tell me who or what is responsible for the auto-text correction on the not-so smartphone?I was chatting with a friend who was heading for Spain and wanted to wish him a good voyage – Buen Viaje. Was in a bit of rush a” | |

  3. Joan,

    Yr postings through the years are like a soundtrack to a very enjoyable evolving movie.

    If this is indeed the final curtain, Thank You, for sharing yr thoughts and ideas.



  4. Thank you so much for your blog. I found it today on Facebook and started reading your Camino journey as I will start my walk in September. It also led me to reading your other blogs which have opened my eyes to some things. I hope to continue reading your blogs but not sure if you have been writing. Thank you so much for your inspiration.

    1. Happy to be able to share my experiences. Yes, I’m taking a break from blogging this year. Will definitely resume once the old habit kicks in again. Have a great weekend!

      1. Totally understand. Thank you and hope you have a great weekend as well. 😊

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